Compensation fund $20,000 per client

Prime XBT is a member of the Financial Commission, an international organisation engaged in the resolution of disputes in the financial services industry.

Some products or services may not be covered
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What is Financial Commission?

The Financial Commission is an independent external dispute resolution (EDR) organization that was established to be a neutral third-party committee to fairly review and resolve complaints. It aims to facilitate a simpler, swifter resolution than through industry regulators and the legal system.

How does it work?

The Compensation Fund will only cover judgments made by the Financial Commission of up to $20,000 per client. The fund will only be used for a judgment that has been issued by the Financial Commission. The fund does not cover trader’s losses incurred while engaging in self-directed trading.

You have a complaint?

If you have a complaint you have to follow the dispute resolution procedure. Before contacting the Financial Commission you have to raise the issue to PrimeXBT customer support team first and provide all relevant information for review.

In case you are not happy with the answer, you should file a complaint for independent review by our internal dispute resolution team.

Fill a Complaint

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