Ripple Price Prediction: How Much Will XRP Be Worth Following the Settlement?

This guide serves as a valuable resource for investors and traders seeking to uncover Ripple’s various price movements and projections in the short and long run. As an emerging technology, cryptocurrencies are poised to revolutionize numerous markets. Ripple, also known as XRP, is a digital asset that seeks to disrupt the cross-border payments sector entirely. While the future of XRP could be strong, there are a lot of questions around it as well.

XRP Overview

Today (5 July 2024) XRP (XRP/USD) is trading at $0.4197 per XRP, with a market cap of $23235037372 USD.  24-hour trading volume is $2180034380 USD. XRP price has changed by -3% in the last 24h. Circulating supply is 55723063839 XRP.

Ripple’s goals for XRP are quite different from what Bitcoin is aiming to achieve. Both provide users of the Cryptocurrency a way to control their own assets.

However, Ripple was designed for speed and to achieve some of the lowest fees of any Crypto asset. These attributes make it extremely attractive for banks – Ripple’s main target customer – to move large amounts of money quickly, at a very low cost.

Due to this, the Ripple network is said to eventually become a replacement for SWIFT – the current standard for international bank wires, that includes slow speeds and high fees. Banks have been trialing Ripple’s xRapid which uses XRP to move funds at lightning-fast speeds between two third parties.

Ripple may also disrupt traditional cross-border payments brands such as Western Union and MoneyGram, and at one point acquired an ownership stake in MoneyGram, sending the price of the stock skyrocketing.

Because Ripple could potentially become the new standard across so many industries. Ripple has among the highest long-term price potential out of any Crypto asset.

Short and long term Ripple price

Short and long term prices can be difficult to predict, however, this article provides detailed information from industry experts and in-depth technical analysis, in order to help provide an accurate Ripple price prediction and answer the commonly asked questions such as “how high will Ripple go” and “how much will Ripple be worth in five years?”

XRP legal win and the new rally

On June 13, 2023, in a significant legal triumph for the Cryptocurrency industry, a U.S. judge, Analisa Torres, determined that Ripple Labs Inc. had not violated federal securities law when it sold its XRP token on public exchanges.

This verdict led to a surge in the value of XRP, which recorded a remarkable 75% increase by late afternoon, as reported by Refinitiv Eikon data.

It is noteworthy that this ruling marks the initial success for a Cryptocurrency company in a case brought forth by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Nevertheless, it is important to mention that the SEC did secure a partial victory in this matter as well.

Why did the SEC legally move against Ripple XRP?

According to an SEC spokesperson, the agency expressed satisfaction with a specific aspect of the ruling, wherein the judge determined that Ripple had indeed violated federal securities law by directly selling XRP to sophisticated investors.

It is important to note that there was a possibility for the ruling to be appealed following the issuance of a final judgment, or even earlier if permitted by the judge. SEC was looking to see if they could appeal the decision.

But a ruling made in October 2023 says that Ripple is not a security, and does not infringe on SEC regulations regarding securities.

This essentially ensures that SEC can not appeal the initial July 13th decision made by U.S. District Judge Analisa Torres.

What is Ripple and the XRP token?

XRP is the native Cryptocurrency of the Ripple protocol. XRP potential is enormous, but there are a lot of things to understand.

Ripple is both the blockchain network that XRP is transferred over, and the name of the company that created the Crypto token and helps to push its adoption at banks and other cross-border payment companies.

The XRP coin is designed to improve speeds over existing Cryptocurrencies, making it especially attractive as a payment currency.

For example, Bitcoin takes as much as 10 minutes to confirm a transaction, while confirmations using Ripple and XRP take as little as 3-5 seconds. It’s easy to see why Ripple is considered one of the best investments in the Cryptocurrency industry.

The creators of Ripple

Ripple was first created by Jed McCaleb, Arthur Britto, and Ripple CTO David Schwartz and started its life named OpenCoin. Later, it was renamed to XRP, Ripple Labs was formed, and now is led by CEO Brad Garlinghouse.

Jed McCaleb is no longer associated with the project and launched a similar Cryptocurrency, Stellar, which is competing with Ripple for the cross-border payments market.

However, Ripple dominates this industry and shows no signs of letting a competitor steal their thunder.

Ripple price history

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To understand “What does the future price of XRP looks like?”, you need to look at price history. Ripple originally had a strong breakout in 2021, but gave back those gains in 2022 as the “Crypto winter” set in. In July XRP price broke through resistance levels again but never managed to recover to its historically high value which approached $2.00.

Beyond the pressure on all Cryptos during the “Crypto Winter”, Ripple was also dealing with a lawsuit from the SEC that claimed that XRP tokens where unregistered securities. The SEC claimed that Ripple, the parent company, had broken laws by offering unregistered securities to investors in the United States which of course had a negative affect on the XRP price.

What happened to Ripple after the SEC scrutiny?

At the time Ripple was delisted from most Cryptocurrency exchanges that do business with Americans, which caused the asset to struggle even further.

The XRP price analysis on this chart look conservatively positive at the moment, with what seems like a slight climb likely precipitated by the 2023 year end Crypto rally.

2024 looks to be a potentially exciting year, as XRP’s market cap has gone up to $33.256B as 2023 comes to an end. Additionally, in July 2023, the news of a judge deciding against the SEC that Ripple is not a security (except for institutional traders) is good news for the Crypto and sent it skyrocketing over 94% in one day and sent the market cap up by 84% on the news. But that does not change the fact that current XRP price predictions continue to be unpredictable.

Ripple experts weigh in on XRP price long term value

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Ripple continues to attract analysts from around the world, as it is one of the most exciting advances using blockchain, allowing cross-border payments easily. Because of this, and the fact that several banks around the world have adopted it, there is an expectation that not only will Ripple survive, but it should thrive over the longer term. That being said, short-term XRP prices and future predictions are difficult, but assuming that XRP has a long life, further predictions will more likely than not be a bit easier.

Digital Coin Price

Digital Coin Price, a widely followed Internet publication, suggests that the price of Ripple will continue to climb, but in more or less a steady cadence. The Ripple price prediction that they have published looks strong, but will be slow to get going.

They believe that by 2030, Ripple could reach $3.54, suggesting that price could sixfold in the next 7 years or so. That being said, it seems as if they expect more of an exponential move starting during 2028, so the move will be very uneven. Its XRP price prediction also states that the markets will continue to be very volatile for some time. has a XRP forecast that says the price of Ripple will continue to climb as well, but is much more bullish than Digital Coin Price, as by 2030 they expect that the average price of of Ripple could climb to as high as $9.81. They believe that the momentum will start to pick up in 2025, as Ripple could be somewhere near $4 at that point. That being said, any Ripple (XRP) price prediction is noisy to say the least.

XRP historical price data

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Analysing historical XRP trading volume and market price data can provide insights into the minimum possible price, while considering the circulating supply can give investors an idea of the maximum Ripple price and facilitate a long-term XRP price prediction.

Notably, the digital asset is capped at 100,000,000,000 XRP.  A XRP price prediction has to keep in mind that although there is a limit, it would necessarily be scarce.

During the 2017 Crypto bubble, Ripple hit an all-time high of over three dollars, making it the most profitable asset that year, with investors earning over 1,000% gains in a short period.

XRP is available on various Crypto exchanges and can be traded against BTC and USD pairs, with its current price hovering around $0.50-0.60 per token.

XRP price technical analysis and price potential

XRP has seen a couple of different major bullish runs over the last several years, but as the Crypto market itself has seen a major “Crypto winter”, Ripple has struggled right along with the rest of the market. It initially hit a high of $3.33 back in 2018, rallied again to fall just short of the $2.00 level in 2021, and started to fall quite drastically.

Since then, Ripple has stabilised a bit, and the technical analysis suggests that perhaps the market is trying to form some type of accumulation pattern. The following sections feature XRP price action and forecasts from various sources.

XRP price forecast 2024

With most XRP future Ripple price predictions however, It’s generally expected that Ripple should be worth more in 2024 than it is now, with some pundits suggesting that it could be worth as high as a maximum price of $4. Some are a little bit more modest, expecting closer to $1.

Either way, even using the lower XRP price forecast that we saw, that is an expectation of almost doubling its value in the next couple of years. The XRP price prediction for 2025 depends greatly on who you ask to be honest.

XRP price prediction 2025

Since the lawsuit concluded, a Ripple XRP price prediction is going to be challenging to say the least. In 2025, there are some who are now calling for $2, while at the same time there are people suggesting that $5 is more likely. The reality is that nobody knows, and therefore any estimate at this point is only a guess.

XRP price prediction 2026

In 2026, there is the possibility that the XRP price could be as high as a maximum price of $7, but as low as $2.25. The biggest issue that XRP is going to face is that if it becomes too expensive, banks won’t use it. Also, there is a limit to the amount of coins that be supplied.

XRP price prediction 2027

The maximum XRP price prediction in 2027 that we can find is $7.11, with the minimum Ripple XRP price forecasts and prediction being $2.16. That being said, as we go further into the future the XRP price predictions become less reliable.

XRP price prediction 2028

A Ripple XRP price prediction for 2028 isn’t readily available by most experts, but the ones that we could find lined up with the technical analysis, suggesting anywhere between $ 4.53 and $6.53. However, we cannot argue with the fact that a lot can happen between now and then.

XRP price prediction 2029

By the time you try to extrapolate to the year 2029, the XRP price prediction suggests that we could go as high as $6.54, but the XRP price may no go any further than $4.91.

Long-term XRP price prediction for 2030 and beyond

XRP price forecasting for long-term moves is an extremely difficult concept, but there are some signs that Ripple is going to see more adoption, as Asian banks in particular have seen a use for the cross-border payment aspect.

Is there a bright future for XRP?

Going forward, it is expected that Ripple does well, but quite frankly the Cryptocurrency market in general needs to make a bit of a turnaround for Ripple to do the same. Any XRP price prediction for 2030 or beyond is one part faith, and one part guess. That being said, there are even some who have a XRP price prediction for 2050! Needless to say, if it is still around then, one would have to assume it has been successful.

It is crucial to remember that even with the Securities and Exchange Commission loss in the courts, the future for Ripple is still very murky. Quite frankly, it probably won’t catch on as quickly in the US, as many other competitors are out there, and most of the largest banks have started working on their own solutions which will have an immediate effect on XRP price.

Is XRP a good investment and what is the future of XRP?

While this comprehensive guide equips potential investors and traders with the information and a possible Ripple XRP price prediction across multiple scenarios, which are needed to make informed decisions about Ripple investments.

Ripple’s potential

Ripple, with its potential to revolutionise multiple industries, has the support of Ripple Labs’ experienced team and other investors dedicated to driving adoption of the digital asset.

Nevertheless, Ripple currently faces obstacles due to opposition from prominent financial institutions and US regulators, despite the victory. The initial reaction in the XRP markets will more likely than not be something that fades eventually.

Ripple as an investment

Ripple is typically offered alongside other popular cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and EOS, as well as traditional assets such as the most popular Forex currencies, Commodities, Stock Indices, and spot contracts for Gold and Silver.

XRP vs. Fiat currency

With Fiat currencies expected to fall, while Cryptocurrencies which are hard-capped and deflationary are expected to grow to new heights and show their true power as the future of money.

Will Ripple be part of that new future of finance? The Ripple XRP price prediction will have to take all of this in mind, and the future price chart is far from clear.

Ripple XRP vs. Bitcoin and Ethereum

Bitcoin vs. Ripple

Bitcoin is undeniably the highest performer on the Crypto market with the highest market capitalization, highest average price and it garners the most interest.

Ethereum has always played second fiddle to the godfather of Cryptos, but it offers much more than just a digital currency.

So how can Ripple Labs and XRP compete. Is it even worth making a Ripple price forecast?

Apples to oranges

First keep in mind that it is like comparing apples to oranges, Bitcoin’s express purpose, as noted in the infamous Satoshi white paper, is to be a “purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.”

Whereas according to Ripple Lab’s website – they offer “Crypto solutions for business” and is intended to help institutions make cross-border transfers like the well known SWIFT network but quicker.

As you can gather Bitcoin is more decentralised than XRP, and BTC is also intended as digital asset, where XRP functions more as a payment intermediary.

Users and holders of Bitcoin want the token to reach it’s maximum price, where XRP users and holder, do not, since this will increase the cost of transfers.

Also, XRP wants to ensure that its token is as stable as possible to ensure low and predictable transaction fees.

Ethereum vs. Ripple

Ok, Ethereum vs. Ripple is more of an oranges to lemons comparison – in the same family but still functionally very different.

Although Ethereum does host projects on its website that allow the transfer of funds it does a lot more. The network allows for the creation of other Crypto, exchanges, projects and tokenization and the use of smart contracts.

Here we have a different dynamic since the community that fuels the Ethereum network must take a stake in the network to validate new data blocks.

XRP market report

Another benefit that Ripple offers compared to its competitors, is the fact that the company regularly publishes market reports.

For example they recently released their Q1 YoY numbers – which showed that its net purchases grew more than $120 from $361.06 million to $226.31 million.

Ripple also reported a significant 34% volume increase from the Q4 ’22 to Q1 ’23 on decentralized exchanges. Average daily volume on centralized exchanges increased a staggering 46% in Q1 ’23 to $1 billion compare to last years $698 million.

Additionally Ripple Ledger developers proposed a new standard that would allow the transferring of data and digital assets between blockchains of different protocols.

This is a feature more and more blockchain networks are adopting to allow transfers of data and tokens between different blockchains and in the case of Ethereum, even allow for the tokenization of real world assets.

Additionally Ripple in November of 2023 received a license as a money transmitter across multiple jurisdictions in the U.S.

Additionally, XRP customers can now access more than 70 payout markets that are part of the blockchain’s international payment network.

Ripple XRP and the $1 target

As 2023 comes to a close many XRP investors and analysts are looking to the $1 price target.

Considering that the XRP prices have hovered around $0.68, this seems like a lofty goal. We all know that Bitcoin often pulls up other cryptos, but even BTC has been climbing very conservatively from the beginning of 2023, and is still significantly below its all-time high of almost $70,000.

The correlation between BTC prices and other Crypto

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As you can see both the ETH and XRP USD crosses, seem to follow BTC’s price action, albeit with less magnitude.

Although this correlation has been observed it has not been confirmed. Many analysts say the reason may be automated trading bots which place purchase orders when BTC starts growing, causing a correlation between Bitcoin and Altcoins.

An alternative theory is that as Bitcoin climbs, investors attempt to diversify by buying altcoins. This causes an increase in demand, thus an increase of the price. Conversely when the economy is in a constriction cycle

A correlation that has emerged as of late is between Crypto and Stocks, since both are considered assets that are invested in when the economy is in a growth cycle. When the economy is in a constriction cycle investors will usually move to more stable assets such as bonds and precious metals.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

How high can XRP go?

How much will XRP be worth? Well, Ripple can go as high as the market will hold, but at this point it seems to be generally accepted that someday the maximum price of Ripple could be a couple of dollars.

However, Ripple will also have a bit of a cap on it due to the fact that it is meant for cross-border transactions and therefore has to be reasonably priced to have utility.

Will XRP ever reach $10?

Probably not. By XRP reaching $10, it could very well price itself out of usefulness. However, demand can make almost anything possible. The XRP prediction of most analysts thinks $10 is a long way away.

How much will XRP be in 5 years?

While some pundits believe that XRP can reach as high as $8 in the market capitalization next five years, only time will tell.

After the “Crypto winter” of 2022, XRP has seen a setback. A 5-year XRP coin price prediction is difficult, but positivity is expected.

What will XRP be worth in 2025?

A lot of people believe it will be higher, but the price targets vary greatly. In general, it is expected that XRP will increase in value though.

Any XRP price prediction for 2025 is going to be one of volatility. This is especially true now that the lawsuit has had major news.

How high will XRP go in 2030?

While the $10 level is often cited as a possible target by the extremely bullish, a lot of this will come down to whether or not the banks will continue to adopt XRP for cross-border payments. Also, now that the ongoing lawsuit with the SEC has concluded XRP's price could travel much, much higher. Time will surely tell.

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